Back To School Products
Sending your child back to school in these times can be worrysome. We recommend the following products for children to help boost their immune systems when heading back into the world of education.
Recommended Products and Dosages
- Multiple Vitamin & Mineral for Children – Suggested dose of 1 capsule with breakfast.
- Sodium Ascorbate for Children (Vitamin C) – Suggested dose of 1 capsule with breakfast.
- Zinc 100ml – Suggested dose of 5 drops in water or juice with breakfast.
- Inlulin (Jerusalem Artichoke) – Suggested dose of 1 capsule with breakfast. The capsule can be opened and sprinkled on food.
From September onwards:
- Liposomal Vitamin D3 – Suggested dose of 1 or 2 drops. This can be rubbed on the skin or taken orally.